Originally from Kalamazoo, Michigan, Dr. Dykehouse attended Western Michigan University where he obtained a double major in Biology and Agriculture and was awarded his Bachelor of Science degree in 1968.
In 1972, he graduated with high honors from Michigan State University with a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine.
In 1976, he established the first feline only practice in the state of Oregon. His special interests include dentistry, general surgery, geriatric medicine and the treatment of hyperthyroid disease. He has developed special skills and experience in safely sedating or anesthetizing difficult cases, including aggressive, old, obese, or risky patients.
After practicing veterinary medicine for 53 years, it is with a mixture of sadness and joy that Dr. Dykehouse has announced his retirement on February 1, 2025.

Dr. Melinda Barkley grew up in McMinnville, OR and always had many pets, including guinea pigs, frogs, cats, dogs, and birds. She has always had a special interest in wildlife and horses and cats. Dr. Barkley graduated from Oregon State University in 1999 and has been in small animal practice for over 20 years.
She has also worked in Shelter Medicine, Equine Rehabilitation and was certified in Veterinary Acupuncture in 2008 at Colorado State University. Dr. Barkley particularly loves working with cats and enjoys the challenge of their unique biology and behavior.
She lives outside Oregon City with her husband, 2 kids, 3 horses, 3 cats, and 1 dog. In her spare time, she is either working in the barn or out exploring all the amazing forest land.